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Prayer and Work

Writer: Allies of the Little OnesAllies of the Little Ones

Adapted from the pfsgm rosary meditations

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ actions flow like rivers from the springs of prayer; indeed, Jesus in the Garden of Olives is the perfect example for us of how to overcome the “sorrowful mysteries” in our own lives – through that conversation with the Father in which we come to understand and say yes to His will.

Here is a little story I have heard in the community which illustrates the importance of prayer:

One fine morning, two farmers headed out with axes, each of them bound for a giant tree. One of them, tall and muscular, was sure he would fell his tree quicker than his smaller friend – especially when he noticed his friend taking breaks, disappearing from sight and then returning several minutes later…while he worked without stopping! Much to his surprise, however, a resounding thud interrupted his chopping to tell him his friend had finished first. “How did you do it?” he asked. “It’s simple,” his friend replied; “whenever my axe got dull, I sat down and sharpened it.”

Many of us hammer away at our daily lives without realizing that our spiritual faculties are getting “dull.” It’s precisely in those times when we feel the busiest, when we think we have the least time for prayer, that we need it most in order to discern what we should be doing and have the strength to do it! To quote St. Josemaría Escrivá: “Prayer is the most powerful weapon a Christian has. Prayer makes us effective. Prayer makes us happy. Prayer gives us all the strength we need to fulfil God’s commands” (The Forge, 439).

How’s your prayer?




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