Among the Allies of the adp-vv Groups, there are some called "Adp-vv Lay Missionaries" who decide to give more time to God in their lay calling, experiencing the missionary aspect of the pfsgm more closely. They are:
ADP-VV Full-time Missionaries are those who deicide to give everything to God in a lay manner, physically next to our community of Consecrates, dedicating all of their time ans resources to the service of the works of apostolate and charity of the pfsgm community.
ADP-VV Part-time Missionaries are those who decide to give about half of their time to God in a lay manner, although living a little further away (not more than about 50km/30miles) from our community of Consecrates, so dedicating substantially a good part of their time, for those who have the possibility, through the works of apostolate and charity of the pfsgm community.
ADP-VV Missionaries At-A-Distance are those who decide to give a good part of their time to God in a lay manner although living a long way away (even outside of the country) of our closest community of Consecrates, so to dedicate substantially a part of their free time, through the initiatives of the full-time and part-time Missionaries and the works of apostolate and charity of the pfsgm community.​
ADP-VV PFD Lay Missionary Association:
The non-proft organizaiton fo the ADP-VV Lay Missionaries L'Associazione no profit dei Missionari Laici ADP-VV supports its own works of charity and strives to best support the purposes of their Statute through charitable works and the means made available by the faithful and benefactors -- even through their “press apostolate” or other types of work inspired by the Spirit.