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Among the Allies of the adp-vv Groups, there are some called "Adp-vv Lay Missionaries" who decide to give more time to God in their lay calling, experiencing the missionary aspect of the pfsgm more closely. They are:


  • ADP-VV Full-time Missionaries are those who deicide to give everything to God in a lay manner, physically next to our community of Consecrates, dedicating all of their time ans resources to the service of the works of apostolate and charity of the pfsgm community.


  • ADP-VV Part-time Missionaries are those who decide to give about half of their time to God in a lay manner, although living a little further away (not more than about 50km/30miles) from our community of Consecrates, so dedicating substantially a good part of their time, for those who have the possibility, through the works of apostolate and charity of the pfsgm community. 


  • ADP-VV Missionaries At-A-Distance are those who decide to give a good part of their time to God in a lay manner although living a long way away (even outside of the country) of our closest community of Consecrates, so to dedicate substantially a part of their free time, through the initiatives of the full-time and part-time Missionaries and the works of apostolate and charity of the pfsgm community.​


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ADP-VV PFD Lay Missionary Association:


The non-proft organizaiton fo the ADP-VV Lay Missionaries L'Associazione no profit dei Missionari Laici ADP-VV supports its own works of charity and strives to best support the purposes of their Statute through charitable works and the means made available by the faithful and benefactors -- even through their “press apostolate” or other types of work inspired by the Spirit.

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